Blog Archive
- Week in Review 11/30/12
- Thursdays progress shot
- Inspiration: The Watchmen
- Tuesday progress
- Taking a break from Character Updates
- Holiday updates in a day.
- Inspiration: Eastern and Western Comics
- Tuesdays progress
- Character Spotlight: Harris
- Sunday
- Saturday's progress
- Week in Review 11/16/12
- Ready for tonight's progress?
- Inspiration: Space and all its uses
- Borders, perspective, and roughs, oh my!
- Character Spotlight: Caden
- Progress for Sunday
- Week in review 11/9/12
- Script Progress
- When progress is not progress
- Inspiration: Gone With the Wind
- Hey, it's election day
- Character Spotlight: Mikala
- Kind of a boring Sunday progress
- Progress for Saturday
- 11/2/12 Week in review
- Progress is progress.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Thursdays progress shot
So i war hoping to get several pages of tight roughs done tonight, bit as you can see I am still working on page three. As the scenes get less populated it should go much faster, but in the mean time, here's a few shots of what I did today. Another big news piece is that, with the aid if a good reference book, I finally pinned down what I wanted to do with Harris' outfit.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Inspiration: The Watchmen
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Tuesday progress
So today was a big writing day. I got to about page 25 of issue 5 and decided some rewrites were in order. I'm in the process of smoothing out some transitions. The issue will be fully written tomorrow. See you with an inspiration post tomorrow!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Taking a break from Character Updates
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Holiday updates in a day.
And! Here are the roughs. I'll be updating this post until I decide to go to sleep. It'll be hard to tell what's going on in the pages, but it's a good progress report to make up for three missed days :) Pages are in order:
It's 10:01 PM on my clock. I will post new pages after this time stamp.
So here are pages 21-32:
And surprise! Some roughs of the cover!:
See you all tomorrow with another character update!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Inspiration: Eastern and Western Comics
Tuesdays progress
I've started sketching the pages. So far up to six pages sketched. This will help to place my horizon line when starting to throw down perspective grid.
I also finished writing issue four and have since gotten five pages into issue five. still trying to figure out what to post for inspiration tonight. See you then!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Character Spotlight: Harris
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Saturday's progress
So I got a little drawing done tonight after the wrestling show, here's the pic. Also on livestream you can see my practice my inks on some of Paulina's beautiful character sketches.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Ready for tonight's progress?
I'll be streaming from 7-11, and I may even come back for a 12-2 stream. See you all there!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Inspiration: Space and all its uses
No, I'm not saying that I'm stealing anything. More of just reaffirming my plans.
I really like the visual of old pirate ships. ("Because I like _____." is my reason for doing a lot of things in the story...). I wasn't sure how this would jive with audiences and a friend brought up a Disney movie I loved.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Borders, perspective, and roughs, oh my!
Well, that doesn't sound very exciting. Where's the real progress?
No, it isn't very exciting, but it is progress. Each page of panel borders takes about five minutes, and I get very easily distracted on them...It's taken about a week to get them all done between sickness, soreness, and working on anything but panel borders.
The next step is adding perspective lines. But don't worry. My to-do list has other takes interjected between the boring stuff. So, now that I'm done with panel borders, I plan to try to finish panel 1 of page 2 and get started on the next 13.75 pages worth of perspective. If drawing boxes and drawing people are two different parts of your brain, I will know by the end of this project for sure!
See you tomorrow with another inspirational message.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Character Spotlight: Caden
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Progress for Sunday
Tonight was a lot of planning and determining the best course of action proceeding into issue three. I had begun drawing out roughs, but writing out a potential schedule, it looked like sketching directly onto the pages would not only be more time effective, but would also help me keep my interests in the right places. Tonight I worked on panel borders again. In another ten pages I well be moving on to plotting out my perspective grids. Here's a shot of my layouts in sketch form--to keep me from using the same patterns too often if at all--and a few schedules I wrote out. (still deciding which I will follow)
Week in review 11/9/12
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Script Progress
Just finished writing chapter three! This has been a really fun issue to script for me. The story it's written but after issue two I decided there were a lot of changes that needed to be made. I have the rest of the issues plotted out. More progress shots tomorrow.