An hour at a time makes for slow build, but the results are pleasing. Here's a few progress shots. I have a friend who will be looking at my software to see if he can fix my scanner problem. (When it comes to advanced technology, I am the dumbs.) There will be loss of scans when that is fixed..
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Friday, May 24, 2013
tic tac toe
looks like its three in a row. Got a little bit of brush work done, and finished up the tech. not sure when I'll be able to get more done, probably on Sunday. enjoy!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Two days in a row
Got finished with my homework a little early last night and utilized my break. (The training and job are from home) this morning after I finished my work, I got more done. Since my work is finished, I will even be able to do more tonight. Here is a progress shot.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
A little bit of progress
I am officially one quarter of the way through my training for my second job. once I start that job, my time should free up a bit. I got out about an hour early last night, so I did the panel borders for pages 1-5. this morning I got up and did the technical and inking for panel one. sorry for the terrible capitalization, I am speaking this into my phone. It doesn't seem to like grammar.
I am going to try and stay up a little bit later each night, and start to get some of the inking I've done for the pages I have finished.
Friday, May 3, 2013
In full swing
On everything except drawing, it seems. While o haven't managed to touch a single page, i have doodled on a few sketch cards. Unfinished, but here are the initial sketches.