Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Inspiration: Eastern and Western Comics

A big part of my making comics are the comics I've read growing up. At a younger age I read a lot of manga, and as I got older I began reading superhero comics. The thing I really love about superhero comics is the style. I would give just about anything to be able to draw as well as Neil Adams, or paint as well as Alex Ross. But a lot of superhero comics fall just short where manga goes too far. Manga is huge with its quiet moments. Another major point is pacing vs content. Manga, particularly shoujo, focuses on relationships (all types) and focuses on a little action in most cases. Shonen and superhero comics tend to have more in common. There's not as much focus on the relationships, but darn it if kicking butt doesn't take up 90% of the book. These are all things I keep in mind. I'd like to have a product that everyone can enjoy, and I try not to keep too much of one and not enough of the other. More progress reports tomorrow. Enjoy stuffing yourselves sick tomorrow!

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